

51СʪÃà is often asked about its approach to education and its views/policies on a range of student issues. Please find below a list of frequently asked questions. Should you have other questions, please contact the Registrar’s Office (07 3555 2708), who will be happy to provide further details.

Q. What type of student attends 51СʪÃÃ?

51СʪÃà draws students from the broad metropolitan Brisbane area and from a range of socio-economic backgrounds. Many families have a previous association with the College. 51СʪÃà attracts students from actively Christian families or from families who strongly desire a Christian education for their children. 51СʪÃà appeals to parents who are looking for a disciplined co-educational environment with strong pastoral care.

Q. What are 51СʪÃÃ’s strengths?

51СʪÃàis proud of the strength of its past record and traditions, but especially of its vision for the future, which is dynamic and unfolding rather than static:

  • Our strong commitment to Christian ethics and practice
  • A quality teaching staff composed of committed Christians
  • Academic rigour is a core value
  • A quality student academic program, indicated by the academic success of both primary and secondary students as measured in the various public tests
  • The opportunities that exist for students to excel in academics, the arts and sport

Q. Does 51СʪÃà only cater for those who are talented academically?

No. While academic rigour is a core value, lessons are structured to be progressive learning experiences across a range of intellectual, social, cultural, spiritual and physical pursuits that we hope will unlock students’ potential. Our commitment to our students is to help them discover their strengths and fulfil their potential.

Q. My children are academic – is 51СʪÃà the school for them?

Parents should take into account a number of qualities when selecting a school. Two questions to ask when investigating the academic standing of any school are:

  • How do the top students at this College compare with those from other leading schools?
  • How does the average performance of all students at this College compare with that from other leading schools?

At CCCB our answer is:

  • Our record in national literacy and numeracy tests and international competitions reveals superior performance
  • Several 51СʪÃà Year 12 students have won Australian Government Student Prizes at exit, indicating they were in the top 100 in Queensland and the top 500 in Australia that academic year
  • We publish a full disclosure of all senior results since 1992 (when the present system of tertiary entrance was instituted) on the website, so parents can judge average results. We comment in regular updates on any public test results for our students.

Q. What type of pastoral care is provided by 51СʪÃà?

Pastoral care at 51СʪÃà is responsive to the needs and age of individual students. The aim is to provide physical and emotional safety for all children. Responsible for PC program are a number of staff specifically chosen for their skills in helping students deal with any difficulty. They include the primary school’s Directors of Student Care and the secondary school’s Heads of Years and Director of Student Development.

The College Student Presidents provide role models for all students but especially the secondary students. Heads of Year are also appointed for each Year level, to provide another level of care to students. The Director of Student Development assists the Head of Secondary and the Heads of Year in implementing the Behaviour Management Policy.

51СʪÃàrewards and acknowledges students success through recognition with badges, pins, and certificates, and presentations feature prominently in school assemblies.

Q. Why is 51СʪÃàco-educational?

Since foundation in 1978, 51СʪÃà has been co-educational. The College believes a co-educational environment is beneficial for children because it mirrors family and social structures with which they are familiar and which are the norm in the community at large.

Q. How are students prepared for life after school?

51СʪÃàfocuses on providing a strong Christian and academic foundation that will serve students throughout life. This formal learning is complemented by co-curricular activities such as sport, cultural events and the arts. Christian Studies (primary school), Christian Living (secondary school) and Chapel creates a platform for religious and values education that seeks to provide a fuller knowledge and understanding of ethical and spiritual matters. 51СʪÃà is committed to the integration of faith and learning in all areas of the curriculum and to the development of a Biblical Christian worldview. Our faith perspective is evangelical charismatic.